--> divine angst: The end is in sight

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The end is in sight

My meeting to go over my personal statement went swimmingly. My prof thought what I'd written was "300% better than the others." It has nice structure, some lovely sentences, and lacks commentary on two or three things. (I expected to be told it was missing certain elements. But I didn't want to keep writing and writing and writing unless I knew it was going in the right direction. My writing confidence needs a boost, I guess.)

The meeting went so well that the discussion of my statement lasted only about 15 minutes. Maybe that's not good, now that I think about it—it probably indicates there wasn't anything substantial enough to work on yesterday. In any case, I have a draft to work on, instead of trying to start something new again. Whew!

After we'd discussed my statement, the appointment devolved into my giving him some computer advice. We discussed fonts, putting pictures in Word effectively, and a number of other tidbits. Sometimes I think this particular professor likes me because I help him with his iMac.

At any rate, my mood—which for most of last week was wretched—is dramatically improved. I slept the good sleep last night, and I'd been missing that. Something must be going right for me.