--> divine angst: meh

Sunday, October 24, 2004


I got my score. It was lower than I expected. The percentile is good, but we all know it's the number that really matters.

Despite being somewhat heartbroken at first, I am dealing with it. I'm looking at my ambitions and asking myself what exactly it is I want to do, not where—and I am realizing that the what is much more important to me.

Plus, I have a wonderful husband and really good friends who have been amazing to me, reminding me that a number is just a number, and it's a good number at that. (Just not amazing.) And no matter where I end up at law school, I will do well.

It's been a bumpy few days, and I was immediately regretful that I checked my score during my reunion. I thought it was going to ruin the weekend. I was so wrong. I have such wonderful friends who believe so strongly in me, and wonderful old professors who are becoming friends; I had a marvelous undergraduate experience, and the lessons I learned there way transcend a little number like my LSAT score.

So. There you go. Expect some template revisions soon, though—I'll need to revise my target list of schools.